Rain delay on roads marked with Haven No Parking signs. Crew will be moving date…

Rain delay on roads marked with Haven No Parking signs. Crew will be moving date…
Publish Resolution 2024-3 https://cdn.townweb.com/haventwp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-03-Published-Bond-Resolution-Notice.pdf
Times are both 10:30am and 6:30pm. Each workshop will be the same content and Information….
Prairie Woods neighborhood AED placement, due to Haven Township’s loss of email history when CloudNet…
Good news was just reported that Bitzy has been returned home safe. Thanks to…
LOST DOG Alert… Bitzy accidentally got out the door and has not returned. They…
Joe Then the Road Supervisor needs your help today. He is hunting for road damage…
Flags will be half staff Monday as Minnesota mourns loss of Burnsville victims. On Sunday,…