Today at 5750 16th Ave SE the neighborhood,AED was installed for River Haven residents. …

Today at 5750 16th Ave SE the neighborhood,AED was installed for River Haven residents. …
Mike served Haven Township for the past 32 years. Join us in thanking him for…
4696 – 65th ST SE 3609- 13th Ave SE 5400- Old Haven Road 4230- 45th…
Haven Township News September 2023
Seal coating project is competed and you can travel on the road. Thank you for…
Good news the roads are open to travel. Please be extraordinarily careful to avoid peel…
No access until further notice on road project streets. Safety flag people on site for…
64th from Round Lake East is now no access until further notice.
Due to colder morning the crews will be later than planned. Sherwood area watch for…
Updated process. Sweeping is 1st. Following by tanker trucks applying the seal coating. You can…