Building permits and IUP start with Sherburne County Zoning, contact that office for any questions or requests.
- Website link
Haven Township does not require a dog license at this time. We do, however, have an Animal Control Ordinance under the Ordinance Section.
The Clerk does not have regular hall hours. The hall is open during the Monthly Board Meeting which is the third Monday of each month. The Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. and lasts approximately two hours.
Title and Closing Companies requesting any pending township assessments should mail the request to Haven Township, P.O. Box 339, St. Cloud, MN 56302-0339 the current fee for this is $30.00 per parcel. Please send a check to Haven Township along with the request. Questions feel free to email
You may come to the town hall board meeting night (third Monday of each month). The clerk will collect the feet and you can fill out the claim form with the number of pairs of feet turned in for bounty. The town board will approve payment of the claim at the next board meeting. A check will be mailed out after the next monthly meeting.
If you are unsure of your precinct location, check the Secretary of State Precinct Finder page. After a few questions to obtain your home address, it will provide the precinct number and location where you will go to vote as well as list which district elections within the state you are able to vote.