Traffic Alert Tree trimming Thursday 9-12 and Friday 9-13. See list below

Haven hired crews to trim back trees based on safety of travel and to be ready for winter snow plowing.  Slow down and respect crews need to block the road or stop you as required.  

Area included:

50th Ave SE

65th St SE

48th Ave SE

63rd Ave SE

54th St SE

If you are a resident of this area and see trees cut up and stacked along the shoulder of the road you can collect the wood for yourself.  Please be careful and clean up stack if you do collect it.  Any wood still along road October 1st will be picked up by the township.   Note if the stack is  NOT along the shoulder the property owner is keeping the wood.  If in doubt ask !    

Thank you,

Contractor is Jay’s Tree Care.  612-245-2663.